Dr. Malavika Kapur
NIAS Bangalore
Dr. Malavika Kapur ji is a Member of the Advisory Board of Samvit Research Foundation, Bengaluru.
She is Honorary Professor at the National Institute of Advanced Studies, Bangalore. Until recently she was the Professor and Head of the Department of Clinical Psychology at the National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences, Bangalore.
She has seven books and over 100 papers to her credit.A fellow of the Indian Association of Clinical Psychologists, the Indian Association of Child and Adolescent Mental Health, the National Academy of Psychology and the British Psychological Society, she has also been a consultant for the World Health Organization and the India Council for Medical Research among other coveted organisations.
She is also involved in the development of assessment tools and intervention packages for children and adolescents in the Indian context. Her main contribution is her work of developing integrated models of mental health service delivery for children and adolescents.
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