Dr. Radha Raje
Clinical Psycololgy + Counselling
Dr. RADHA RAJE has graduated with B.Sc.(Human Development) and M.A.(Clinical Psychology + Counselling), M.P.M. (HR Management), and Ph.D. (Education + Psychology) from University of Pune.
She has been practising as a consulting Psychologist for more than 28 years as Director of “Talent Search” a proprietory organization of Psychologists, Counsellors and Teachers.
She has worked as a consultant to various Industries. She has been working as a Visiting lecturer for M.B.A. students Of Indira Institute of Management and Indsearch, and has presented Research Papers at National and International Conferences.
She is a Principal designer of the Post Graduate Diploma Course in Counselling Psychology conducted by Baya Karve Womens study center.
She has also designed the National Training Programme on “Understanding Adolescents” for Master Trainers and Head Masters of schools in Maharashtra, conducted by YASHADA – The Yashwantrao Chavan Academy of Development Administration,which is the Administrative Training Institute of Government of Maharashtra.
Her keen interest in guiding Adolescents and Youth for career and Social Emotional problems has inspired her to conduct several research projects in this area.
She is presently appointed by the Hon.Chief Justice of Mumbai High Court as Co-ordinator of Pre-Litigation Counselling Centre for the Family Court at Pune.
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