Dr. Vasantha Lakshmi R. holds the position of General Manager(Operations) at Samvit Research Foundation.
She is basically an Electronics Graduate and a Post Graduate in Business Management, with a Doctorate in HRM.
She has 25 years of experience in both Industry & Academics, in various capacities, starting from Junior Administrative Officer to the Principal of the IBMT College of Graduate Studies, Bengaluru.
She was involved in research & publication work and has published several research papers in national and international conferences in the areas of Business Sustainability and HRM. Her current areas of interest are Human Resource Management, Innovation Management, Environmental Management & Business Sustainability and NGO activity.
Apart from Administration, Teaching & Research, she is also active in conducting Skill Development & Entrepreneur Development Programs for Undergraduates & Postgraduate students in several organizations. She is an active member of Srujana Mahila Mandali and has conducted several self-empowerment programs for women, in association with Nehru Yuvaka Kendra and Dept. of Women & Child Welfare. In association with local Self Help Groups, she is active in several social programs that are empowering the youth, especially ladies.